Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rush's Slander Anti Women Attacks on College Student Sandra Fluke ...

Rush is an Embarrassment to the Human Race and the United States of America ...
Doesn't CIGAR SMOKING Cause Pancreatic Carcinoma … Rush a Loss To Society – DON’T THINK SO 

Limbaugh’s branding of Sandra Fluke as a "slut" and a "prostitute" for her support of women having access to birth control and a friend's fight for life .. Is Degrading to all Women in the United States …
A Reaction to Rush’s Claims May Seem Usually High …  But it is the reaction a lot of women have had historically when they've been subjected to Name Calling and Labeling  … Today with Social Media they can FINALLY do something about the Name Calling and Labeling  … Rush's Listeners 20 Million ... Solution - Facebook 500 Million Listeners ...
Sandra Fluke controversy is NOT so much about the Health Reform Law’s Mandated Coverage of Contraceptives as much as it is a Person’s RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT against issues they believe in.  A person’s right to speak without being crushed by the hostility of GOP’s intellectual Leader toward them with lack of integrity, moral fiber, sensitivity, and compassion towards a fellow Human Being …
Whether you are for or against Contraceptives … People like Rush are dangerous … 
Rush will never Apologize Because …
1. Apologizing would go against the persona and the empire that he has built. His audience does not expect him to apologize and in fact, most of his core audience would likely be disappointed if he did.
2. It fits the strict authority model of conservatism. An authority figure must always show strength. An apology, especially to “the enemy” would be perceived within the conservative bubble, as weakness.
If your OPINION is AGAINST GOP/Rush policies or disagree with GOP religious belief …  You are made out as an idiots and fool’s.    
Rush's Search and Destroy …
Rush likes to DESTORY and DISCREDIT anyone who tries to speak out on a BELIEF contrary to his stated stance on subjects. Rush (who speaks for the GOP) has a history of trying to SILENCE people by LABELING them as NON-Patriotic, Liberal, and Dysfunctional …  Rush does not just discredits them with vengeance … He DESTORYS them as a PERSON …  Rush today unlike the GOP years past has turned into a Rabid Dog ...
Conservative's Right as American’s
The GOP is notorious for religious conservatism and pointing to the Bible, however this belief system has killed millions of Americans by allowing the AIDS virus to be spread by Americans infected with the virus by refusing them the right to Safe Sex Methodology of Contraceptives ... However … It is their RIGHT as American’s to do so and to propagate their beliefs and be supportive of followers of similar belief.
AIDS Epidemic in the American South ….
But … People of OPPOSITE beliefs and opinions should NOT be destroyed …
The Rush and the GOP are No Nonsense, seems like “NO CONSCIENCE” People who will attack “DESTROY YOU” with aggression, vengeance, detest, and hostility or anyone of Differing VIEW POINTS... Expressed time and time again in their written word, in their books, and GOP media comments premeditated and off the cuff over the years ... time and time ... again and again...
Rush is Fiercely Demanding ... Forever condescending and mainly Obnoxious when expressing his point of view ...
Companies that use Advertising Dollars to support people like Rush and his supporters should be boycotted and run out of the Business World ...

A Recommended MUST See for RUSH ...
The Movie - Killing Us Softly 4 ...
Madison Ave's - Advertising's Image of Women  ... An analysis of women in the media, focusing on advertising's depiction of women and femininity. The movie examines the way sex, i.e. female bodies are scrutinized, objectified and derided in advertisements in America. 