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Allen West:- Florida Republican January 3, 2011 to Present |
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Joseph McCarthy - Wisconsin Republican (1944–1957) |
Joseph McCarthy was noted for his demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character and/or patriotism of political opponents …
Allen West – Republican FL - April 2012 answering constituents question on Communism in the U.S. “That’s a fair question. I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party”
Allen West – Republican FL - April 2012 answering constituents question on Communism in the U.S. “That’s a fair question. I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party”
When a country starts to falter and is in Chaos with NO clear direction the Dictators with Quick Solutions are the ones you really have to WATCH OUT for ...
Remember These Guys ...
Bashar al-Assad, Idi Amin, Fidel Castro, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Paul Kagame, Francisco Franco, Muammar Gaddafi, Adolf Hitler, Enver Hoxha, Josip Broz-Tito, Slobodan Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-il, Yoweri Museveni, Alexander Lukashenko, Ferdinand Marcos, Mao Zedong, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Robert Mugabe, Benito Mussolini, Augusto Pinochet, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Ruhollah Khomeini, Suharto, and Meles Zenawi ..
A Dictator is a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without approval of elected and effective Congress or representatives of the people ....
Today in 2012 it is Common Place to find the GOP Promoting Chaos, the GOP are: Labelers, Profilers, Name Callers, & Bullies ... Labelling Across America's Air Waves … Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, GOP 2012 Presidential Santorum, Newt, Bachmann, to mention a few …
Yet NO Definitions NOT Even Basic Ones i.e. ... If your are going to Name Call i.e. Calling someone Communist, a polite gesture would take the time to give an explanation of the meaning of their labels and why they labeled ... But NOT the GOP ...
Yet NO Definitions NOT Even Basic Ones i.e. ... If your are going to Name Call i.e. Calling someone Communist, a polite gesture would take the time to give an explanation of the meaning of their labels and why they labeled ... But NOT the GOP ...
Terms Being Thrown Around by GOP Profilers ... Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Democracy, Liberalism, Dictatorship, Republic, Progressive to mention a few ...
So... What is Communism?
Communism is a political form of government. Communist countries are ones totally controlled by the communist parties. Communism is a self-declared (not elected) socialist government comprised one-party states.
Communism is a socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order. Pure communism allows for distribution of wealth based on need and social relations based on freely associated individuals. Communism has socialism as one of it’s forms for a economic system. Is the U.S. a Communist country? NO!
What is Socialism?
Socialism is an economic system described as ownership of everything in the country by the citizens of the country i.e. the government. Socialism is total government control, and management of all businesses in the country including, management of the business, it's manufacturing-production, finances, stock, and profits for the good of the welfare of the people in that country... A cooperative management of everything in the country and economy. A socialist economic system would consist of an government with it's main function to directly satisfy economic demands and human needs of the people ... Is the U.S. a Socialist country with now over 60% of it's workforce working directly for the government? NO.
What is Democracy?
Democracy is an form of government with a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs, in which all the citizens of a nation together determine public policy, the laws and the actions of their state, requiring that all citizens (meeting certain qualifications) have an equal opportunity to express their opinion. A Democracy a political system that approximates this ideal if all its citizens have the right to vote for people who represent them in elections. Democracies have Capitalism as their economic system. So ... Is the U.S. a Democracy? NO!.
What is Capitalism?
Capitalism is an economic system which includes private ownership of businesses, manufacturing, and the creation of goods and/or services for profit or income. This includes the accumulation of capital-money, open competitive markets, non-government voluntary exchange of money or good, and fair wages for labor.
The term capitalism has been applied to a variety of countries and at various times, geography, politics, and culture. There is, however, agreement that capitalism became dominant in the Western world following the demise of feudalism. However capitalism is not a form of government it is an economic system at best.
The term capitalism has been applied to a variety of countries and at various times, geography, politics, and culture. There is, however, agreement that capitalism became dominant in the Western world following the demise of feudalism. However capitalism is not a form of government it is an economic system at best.
What is Liberalism ?
Liberalism is a political form of government. Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis)it is the belief in liberty and equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as rule of law as opposed to rule by the arbitrary judgment, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and the free exercise of religion. A liberal is not limited and most do not believe in established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, laws, and religions. Free thinkers. 42% of the U.S. considers themselves Conservative 35% Moderate 20% considers themselves Progressives or Liberals.
Liberalism first became a powerful force in the Age of Enlightenment, rejecting several foundational assumptions that dominated most earlier theories of government, such as nobility, established religion, absolute monarchy.
What is Liberalism ?
Liberalism is a political form of government. Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis)it is the belief in liberty and equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as rule of law as opposed to rule by the arbitrary judgment, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and the free exercise of religion. A liberal is not limited and most do not believe in established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, laws, and religions. Free thinkers. 42% of the U.S. considers themselves Conservative 35% Moderate 20% considers themselves Progressives or Liberals.
Liberalism first became a powerful force in the Age of Enlightenment, rejecting several foundational assumptions that dominated most earlier theories of government, such as nobility, established religion, absolute monarchy.
What is Progressivism?
Progressivism is a political party and form of government. Progressivism is an umbrella term for a politics advocating and/or favoring social, political, and economic reform in opposition to conservative/reactionary politics.
Political parties, such as the Progressive Party, organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism was embraced in the administrations of American Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson.
The term progressivism emerged in response to industrialization and is an alternative to the traditional conservative response to social and economic issues. Progressivism is associated with left-wing politics.
Today, liberal members of the Democratic Party and the Green Party of the United States are self-identify as progressives. In the US Congress there exists the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which is often in opposition to the more conservative Democrats. Is the U.S. Progressive NO.
What is a Moderate?
Moderate political ideology basically is a centralist with middle of the road views. Advocating less radical views/sides of the political or religious spectrum. Voters who describe themselves as centrist often mean that they are moderate in their political views, advocating neither extreme left-wing politics nor right-wing politics. Rush World's #1 Labeler, Profiler, Name Caller, and Bully Labels Moderates As Liberals ...
What is Conservatism?
Conservatism means to preserve. Conservatism is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports, at the most, minimal and gradual change in society. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were". This the U.S. Conservative YES. 42% of the U.S. considers it's self Conservative.
Edmund Burke, an Anglo-Irish politician who served in the British House of Commons and opposed the French Revolution, is credited as the founder of conservativism.
In the United States, conservatism developed after the Second World War when Russell Kirk and other writers identified an American conservative tradition based on the ideas of Edmund Burke. Interesting note - Many authors of conservative books and articles DO NOT accept American conservatism as genuine and consider it to be a variety of liberalism.
Conservatism today in 2012, is a political philosophy that stresses dealing with social problems such as health care or immigration through private enterprise, charities and religious institutions rather than government. It emphasizes the weakness of human nature and our tendency towards sin and idleness to be overcome through personal responsibility and self-reliance, and optimistic assurance. Conservatism is against social action by the poor to assert their rights and fight social injustice. In others words, the Conservative advise and perspective for the Poor and Sick "We wish you every sucess in making your own way in life, and will pray for you", but not much more.
What is a Republic?
A Republic is a political form of government. A republic is a form of government in which the government is officially given control of the people and thus a "public matter" and where offices of state are directly or indirectly elected or appointed. In modern times, a simplified definition of a republic is a government where the head of state is not a monarch. The word republic is derived from the Latin phrase res publica, which can be translated as "the public affair", and often used to describe a state using this form of government.
In modern republics such as the United States and India, the executive is legitimized both by a constitution and by popular suffrage meaning the legal right to vote, but also the practical question of whether a question will be put to a vote. , and included both democracies, where all the people have a share in rule. Is the U.S. a Democratic Republic YES we are!
The GOP Making the Big Bucks ... Labelling, Profiling, Bulling ... America ...
Keeping Our Heads Spinning With Labels ...
GOP Talk Radio & Right Wing TV Controlling the way GOPers Think ...
GOP would NOT know what they are without Rush ...
GOP What are YOU? Listen to RUSH and find out !!!
Progressivism is a political party and form of government. Progressivism is an umbrella term for a politics advocating and/or favoring social, political, and economic reform in opposition to conservative/reactionary politics.
Political parties, such as the Progressive Party, organized at the start of the 20th century, and progressivism was embraced in the administrations of American Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson.
The term progressivism emerged in response to industrialization and is an alternative to the traditional conservative response to social and economic issues. Progressivism is associated with left-wing politics.
Today, liberal members of the Democratic Party and the Green Party of the United States are self-identify as progressives. In the US Congress there exists the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which is often in opposition to the more conservative Democrats. Is the U.S. Progressive NO.
What is a Moderate?
Moderate political ideology basically is a centralist with middle of the road views. Advocating less radical views/sides of the political or religious spectrum. Voters who describe themselves as centrist often mean that they are moderate in their political views, advocating neither extreme left-wing politics nor right-wing politics. Rush World's #1 Labeler, Profiler, Name Caller, and Bully Labels Moderates As Liberals ...
What is Conservatism?
Conservatism means to preserve. Conservatism is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports, at the most, minimal and gradual change in society. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were". This the U.S. Conservative YES. 42% of the U.S. considers it's self Conservative.
Edmund Burke, an Anglo-Irish politician who served in the British House of Commons and opposed the French Revolution, is credited as the founder of conservativism.
In the United States, conservatism developed after the Second World War when Russell Kirk and other writers identified an American conservative tradition based on the ideas of Edmund Burke. Interesting note - Many authors of conservative books and articles DO NOT accept American conservatism as genuine and consider it to be a variety of liberalism.
Conservatism today in 2012, is a political philosophy that stresses dealing with social problems such as health care or immigration through private enterprise, charities and religious institutions rather than government. It emphasizes the weakness of human nature and our tendency towards sin and idleness to be overcome through personal responsibility and self-reliance, and optimistic assurance. Conservatism is against social action by the poor to assert their rights and fight social injustice. In others words, the Conservative advise and perspective for the Poor and Sick "We wish you every sucess in making your own way in life, and will pray for you", but not much more.
What is a Republic?
A Republic is a political form of government. A republic is a form of government in which the government is officially given control of the people and thus a "public matter" and where offices of state are directly or indirectly elected or appointed. In modern times, a simplified definition of a republic is a government where the head of state is not a monarch. The word republic is derived from the Latin phrase res publica, which can be translated as "the public affair", and often used to describe a state using this form of government.
In modern republics such as the United States and India, the executive is legitimized both by a constitution and by popular suffrage meaning the legal right to vote, but also the practical question of whether a question will be put to a vote. , and included both democracies, where all the people have a share in rule. Is the U.S. a Democratic Republic YES we are!
The GOP Making the Big Bucks ... Labelling, Profiling, Bulling ... America ...
Keeping Our Heads Spinning With Labels ...
GOP Talk Radio & Right Wing TV Controlling the way GOPers Think ...
GOP would NOT know what they are without Rush ...
GOP What are YOU? Listen to RUSH and find out !!!