Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Velocity of Money ...

The Velocity of Money ...
Manufacturing Based MONEY
Why do we need manufacturing jobs ? Manufacturing jobs in the U.S. generate stability, plus produce significantly more goods and services from other industries. In fact, three times as many employment opportunities as retail, including higher technical growth. More important yet;  Manufacturing jobs create STABLE employment because manufacturing creates LONG TERM MONEY. Not the instant fast money of retail sales and/or a distribution based economy. Manufacturing Jobs mean we DO NOT Have to Spend Our Money - Pay Check as FAST as we get it to maintain a Low Unemployment Rate and Keep People Employed.  Fast Money Retail and Retail related small businesses, make up most of Our U.S. Economy.  A higher percentage of Manufacturing will put the breaks on “The Velocity of Money”.  Manufacturing allows us to Save Money, Plan Ahead, and get back to within the Speed Limit.
Retail/Distribution Based MONEY
Retail money means an enormous transfer of American money into foreign hands not only cash but real estate commercial and residential, stock, bonds, and more. Plus a Fast Money Retail economy makes the U.S. more in danger of economic extortion. 
Short term performance creates a high pressure, high stress environment. A FAST paced economic world made up of FAST Retail and Wall Street MONEY, encouraging more fraud, deception, and theft as people and companies are under more and more pressure to make profits, achieve goals, and succeed. Resulting in more fraud and theft in American business every year ...
Additionally, with our huge trade in balance of Imports to Exports of around a $1 Trillion Dollars, more imports than exports.  We are NOT making money (profit) as a country. We are spenders. We rely heavily on borrowed foreign money and foreign creditors to pay our on-going expenses/bills as a nation.  
Interest paid on this borrowed foreign money, as well as phenomenally large volume of domestic spending makes our country like a boat with a HUGE hole in it's bottom taking on more Water/Debt waiting to sink.
The U.S. makes up over 85% of China's $10 Trillion Dollar GDP. This is money flowing OUT not into our country. 
Today what we owe the rest of the world is approaching $4 Trillion, mostly China. An un-sustainable imbalance which is the root cause not only the U.S.s Economic Crisis by sucking taxer dollars and consumer dollars out of the U.S., but also contributing to a large extent on other country's economic crisis by sucking jobs and money out of their economies ...
Solution – Products - Made in the USA …