Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Reagan's Greatest Disappointment - Our Biggest Embarrassment

Quote "It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."  
Reagan Said He Was Going to Cut Up the Congressional Credit Card to Borrow Money to Run the Country On ... - He did NOT ...
National Debt Building Started With Ronald Reagan 
Legacy - Reagan Gave the Green Light The Go Ahead to Red Ink the U.S. ... 
Reagan described the New Debt as his "Greatest Disappointment" of his presidency...
In order to cover the growing federal budget deficits, the United States President Reagan BORROWED HEAVILY both Domestically and Abroad, raising the national debt from $500 billion to $3 trillion during the Reagan years, and in fact, raised the debt ceiling 17 times ...
The Theory of Supply-Side Economics - Didn't Work for Reagan the Creator and Not Working Today ... Borrowed money simulated the Economy during the Reagan years NOT Tax Cuts on the Wealthy.
Today US Companies are Banking 10s of Trillion of Dollars in Profits and Still NOT Hiring ...  
The theory of supply-side economics tells us that if you cut taxes on rich people and corporations, the newly liberated moguls and businessmen will take their windfall and invest it, creating jobs and accelerating the rate of economic growth. 
The Truth ...
Ever since Ronald Reagan first attempted to make supply-side economics a reality and proceeded to inaugurate an era of persistent government deficits and growing income inequality, it has become harder and harder to make the trickle-down argument with a straight face.
But we’ve never seen anything quite like the disaster that’s playing out right now ... Companies are Banking Trillions while average American is unemployed and falling further behind each today ...  
Reagan Was Against Labor Unions in the U.S. ...
Example - August 5, 1981 - Reagan firing of nearly 12,000 striking air traffic control workers ...
But at the same time he was Destroying the US Labor Base ...
Reagan Signed The Trade Agreement with Red China putting 100s of Million of Communist Chinese to Work ...
Apr 30, 1984 - President Reagan concluding his trip to Communist China by signing agreements for the first official trade agreement with Communist China, a cultural relations agreement, and a nuclear cooperation pact ... 
Where the In-Balance of Trade All Started With Communist China ...
Actual Video of Reagan Signing Very First Trade Agreement with China YouTube- Click Here ...
GOP US President Nixon Opened The Door to TRADE with Red China in the Early 1970's ...
Prior to Richard Nixon all Trade with RED China was Banned - Against THE LAW ...
Reagan Signed The First Official Trade Agreement with COMMUNIST RED CHINA  ...
President Reagan's Remarks at a Signing Ceremony for United States-RED China Trade Agreements April 30 1984 - Click Here ...
China Today ...
China 2011 
.The Facts On China Today 
- GDP Sales of $10.2 Trillion Dollars ... 
- All most 85% of the $10 Trillion is US Sales Dollars ...
- FYI - China Almost 100% DEBT FREE ... 
and has GOOD CREDIT RATING NOT like the USA ...
PLUS ...
- 780 Million People are Working Daily in China ...
- China's Unemployment Rate is at 3.5% ...
- Growth rate of around 10% a yr ...
It was GOP President REAGAN all the time ...  The culprit  ...
Nixon de-criminalized TRADE TALKS with RED China and promised RED China he would do more ...
Prior to Richard Nixon all Trade with RED China was Banned - Against THE LAW ...
Nixon ALSO created OSHA and EPA to lock up US Manufacturing so they could NO Longer Function ...
Illusionist GOP President Reagan used Sleight of Hand.  Having the US keep it's eye on the USSR ...
While behind "literally" CLOSED DOORS ...
GOP President Reagan jump started Today's RED Chinese Communist Empire with the First Trade Agreement and several other Trade Agreements with the REDS !!! 
Which destroyed the US labor base of good paying jobs, unions, and US manufacturing base ...
Reagan Made the USA a Nation of RETAILERS selling COMMIE PRODUCTS for RED China ...
GOP President Bush 2000-2008 while he talked down communism to our face, and behind our backs and closed doors he borrowed trillions from RED Chinese Communist Empire and other questionable foreign sources ... Bush de-regulated Trade made it easier to Trade with the RED Chinese Communist Empire ...
The mainstream GOP are Commie Lovers ...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mitt Romney ...

Mitt Romney "If it walks & quacks like at duck (lobbyist) it is a duck (Newt)"

Willard MITT Romney was born on March 12, 1947 ...  The son of George W. Romney (the former Governor of Michigan) and Lenore Romney, Mitt Romney was raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and later served as a Mormon missionary in France. 
He received his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University, and thereafter earned Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration joint degrees from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School.
Romney entered the management consulting business, which led to a position at Bain & Company, where he eventually served as CEO and brought the company out of crisis. He was also co-founder and head of the spin-off company Bain Capital, a private equity investment firm that became highly profitable and one of the largest such firms in the nation ...
This may upset Southern GOP since they don't view educated people as someone they want in political office ... They prefer the Snake Oil Salesmen , Insurance Salesmen or Used Car Sales types ... Romney has received four honorary doctorates: an Honorary Doctor of Business from the University of Utah in 1999, an Honorary Doctor of Law from Bentley College in 2002, an Honorary Doctor of Public Administration from Suffolk University Law School in 2004, and an Honorary Doctor of Public Service from Hillsdale College in 2007.
Romney as approaching politics in the same terms as a business competing in markets, in that successful executives do not hold firm to public stances over long periods of time, but rather constantly devise new strategies and plans to deal with new geographical regions and ever-changing market conditions.
Throughout his business, Olympics, and political career, Romney's has been to apply the "Bain way" towards problems.  The approach to solving problems is data analysis and debate ...
Romney on Major Issues ...
- Capital Gains Taxes - No one with adjusted gross income under $200,000 should be taxed on interest, dividends or capital gains.
Corporate Tax - Cut corporate tax rate to 25 percent from a high of 35 percent.
Current Tax System - Opposes proposals to replace current tax system with national sales tax because he says it raises taxes on middle class while lowering them for rich and poor. (My opinion - It would put to many tax preparers out of work.
- Make Bush-era tax cuts, including for the wealthy, permanent.
- Estate Tax - Eliminate estate tax.
- Gays - Favors constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, says policy should be set federally, not by states. "Marriage is not an activity that goes on within the walls of a state."
Abortion - Opposes abortion rights. Previously supported them. Says state law should guide abortion rights and Roe v. Wade should be reversed by a future Supreme Court.
- Debt - Cap federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product, down from today's recession-swollen 25 percent.
- Energy - Accelerate drilling permits in areas where exploration has already been approved for developers with good safety records. Supports drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic and Pacific outer continental shelves, Western lands, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and offshore Alaska; and supports exploitation of shale oil deposits. Reduce obstacles to coal, natural gas and nuclear energy development. Says green power has yet to become viable.
- Healthcare - Promises to work for the repeal of the federal health care law modeled largely after his universal health care achievement in Massachusetts because he says states, not Washington, should drive policy on the uninsured. But would retain the prohibition against denying insurance to people with pre-existing conditions. Would expand individual tax-advantaged medical savings accounts and let the savings be used for insurance premiums as well as personal medical costs.
- Immigration - Favors complete U.S.-Mexico border fence, opposes education benefits to illegal immigrants. Proposes more visas for holders of advanced degrees in math, science and engineering who have U.S. job offers, and would award permanent residency to foreign students who graduate from U.S. schools with a degree in those fields.

The Sane Choice for President ... 

Sunday, December 11, 2011


The Gingrich That Stole Christmas ...

Beguiling, Mesmerizing. Hypnotic Seductive Effect on U.S. Voters ...
Charms and Enchants the US Voter into thinking of the World in SIMPLE EASY to Understand Terms ...
Right-Wrong ... Black-White ... On-Off ...
Newt will explain the World to you in those terms ...
After all ... We are a Nation of BUTTON PUSHERS ...
Have GOP Voters has turned into a bunch of Rabid Dogs ...
Draft Dodger, Adulterer, Whore Monger, Dead Beat Dad, Cashed 22 Bad Checks when Speaker of the House, Unethical Ex-Congressman ...
The state of Georgia "Southern Voters" elected Newt to Congress  ...
Newt is Beloved and Well Respected in the South ... 
The Deep South (Confederate States) love their crooked Southern Preachers, Snake Oil Salesmen , ex-Insurance Salesmen or Used Car Sales as their leaders ...
And NEWT is looking more than ever like the GOP Presidential Nominee "The Leader of the GOP Pack (Crazies)" ...
The GOP is supporting a "No Nonsense, NO CONSCIENCE Candidate" who will attack Obama with aggression, vengeance, detest, and hostility ... Expressed time and time again in the written word in his books, and comments premeditated and off the cuff over the years time and time ... again and again when in the public eye ...

MAD DOG NEWT ...  Leader Of The GOP Pack ...
Gallery of Newt GOP Supporters ...
Fiercely Demanding ... Somewhat Obnoxious  ...
Frustrated, Angry, GOP Voter ...
with Unfulfilled Personal Goals and Desires ...
Unable to Understand a Complex World ...
Needs Simplied Concepts ...
Now in Self-Interest Mode Calculating Shameless Ruthless  ...

Demanding, Controlling - Our Way ... What Team ...  
Nothing much bothers Mad Dog these days and of course Nothing Ever Will ... 
Newt "I Love This Country So Much"
NO REMORSE EVER from Newt  ... 
For the past, now or in the future just more Fast Talk ...
First off you need a CONSCIENCE to have remorse and let things bother you ... (God Who) Only briefly mentions GOD .. Does not PRAISE or thank GOD ... but constantly promotes himself ...  Newt has his own way with the truth .. . The World according to Newt.  Look into Newt's eyes all you see is a bottomless pit ... 
A proven Street Talker and Whore Monger ...
Mad Dog Newt has a Mesmerizing Hypnotic Weird Seductive Effect on Voters ...
Has all ready started given us a taste of how he will disgrace the U.S. with his remarks ...
i.e. Off The Cuff Remarks - Regarding Palestinians as an "invented" people ...
(Newt referenced Reagan and his remarks toward the old Soviet Union as the Evil Empire.  Reagan's comments however were not off the cuff.  Reagan had been saying that for years in his writing and speeches to mostly private groups, prior to making them in a planned public address.  Not off the cuff) ...
Debate Syndromes NOT for MAD DOG ...
Newt has NO Stage paralysis, cerebral dysfunction, anxiety, insomnia, confusion, agitation, strange behavior, paranoia, hallucinations, delirium OR conscience ...
Just a Street Talking Wiz that NOBODY but another Street Talker can compete with ...
In the latest debate Gingrich was challenged on his consulting for government-backed mortgage giant Freddie Mac, his past support for a government mandate to buy health insurance, his three marriages, a comment he made calling Palestinians an "invented" people, and even a proposal he once floated to build a colony on the moon. But despite the barrage, Gingrich appeared to coast above the other candidates.
The GOP does NOT seem to care about their Presidential Candidate's person image, their criminal background, their public morals, failed marriages, record in government, lack of integrity, flip flop on religious beliefs (not-thankful) & patriotic beliefs ...
Or ...
What is coming out of their candidate's mouth ...
Forget the US Voter ... It is "The World according to Newt" ...
The GOP has some great candidates some even outstanding ones ...
People that can LEAD the FREE world...
And be a Shining Star when representing U.S. ...
Newt is an embarrassment ...
Draft Dodger avoided serving in the Military during the Vietnam War through a combination of questionable student and family deferments ... 
Do you really think our military will respect this guy ?
Worst than Nixon Worst more 2 faced than Cheney ...
Of course if you thought Nixon did a good job and Like Cheney ??? 
Mad Dog Newt is your guy ... Two (2) pints short of a quart ...

Great site ...
Helping Wounded Veterans ...
If you are GOP and on Social Security ...
And Don't Need the Money ...
Donate Your Monthly Social Security money to ...
After all as a Republican are you really happy keeping Social Security money in the first place ?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

AIDS Epidemic in the American South …

This Map published by the US Center for Disease Control - Showing States with Highest Rate of AIDS Infections ...
AIDS Epidemic in the American South …
33.2 Million People Worldwide ...
1.2 Million People in the United States are living with HIV infection and 1 in 5 are unaware of their infection …
Notorious for its religious conservatism and a history of slavery and segregation. The South has gained another reputation in the past few years, not so widely known: it is quickly becoming the center of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States.
Spread mostly by the southern culture of denial, finger pointing, and their southern religious beliefs plus bad hygiene HIV/AIDS has become an epidemic in the American South. The HIV/AIDS outbreak has reached state of emergency levels in the southern United States with some of the highest AIDS death rates in the country.
In rural areas of the American South, infection rates are 50 percent higher than the rest of the country, owing to a poor healthcare system and a culture of denial. 
The (US Center for Disease Control) CDC estimates show a 35% increase in new reported AIDS cases in the Deep South, but only a 5.2% increase nationally. 
CBS Evening News Report on the AIDS Epidemic in the Deep SouthClick Here 
The southern region of the United States is  made up of 16 states and the District of Columbia. The Deep South represents a group of six southern states (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and North Carolina).  These states are disproportionately affected by the AIDS epidemic. Texas although not the Deep South (the home of ex-Governor & ex-President Geo Bush & presidential candidate Governor Rick Perry) is considered a southern state. Texas has the highest number of people infected with AIDS. 
Nearly 80% of new AIDS cases in the South are among African Americans. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is concentrated in the poorest communities, where African Americans are disproportionately represented..

Excellent Read .. A NEW Book that ...
Explains how the Southern Culture has the potential for killing millions of Americans with the AIDS virus ...
"Ashamed to Die: Silence, Denial, and the AIDS Epidemic in the South" 
Click Here ...
HIV and AIDS is  an immune system disease with no cure. Many affluent Americans continue to live quiet normal lives in the United States, thanks to the development of expensive drug cocktails that allow a person to manage disease but not stop the spread of it.
What is AIDS …
A PBS documentary called “Close to Home” profiling individuals living with and around the disease, showing how a lifetime illness like AIDS impacts U.S. nationally, in the Deep South, the poor, and those living in rural communities that have the least amount of money and resources to deal with it. The documentary is expected to air in early 2012 …
AIDS is Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).  The illness interferes with the immune system making people with AIDS much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections and tumors that do not affect people with working immune systems. This susceptibility gets worse as the disease continues.
HIV is transmitted in many ways, such as anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. It can be transmitted by any contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid that has the virus in it, such as the blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, or breast milk from an infected person.
For More Information - Click Here to go to The Center For Disease Control Website
To put it another way … There is some bad pudding cooking in the South !!!
NO Media in Tampa FL to date has reported on the AIDS Epidemic ...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

China - CCP

Hu Jintao CCP Politburo Standing Committee
People's Army
Interest on money Bush borrowed is paying for the Chinese Military ...
Central Committee Meeting 2011

As the CCP membership surpasses seventy-three million, and it does more than just rule a country. The Chinese Communist Party not only has a grip on every aspect of government, from the largest, richest cities to the smallest far-flung villages in Tibet and Xinjiang, it also has a hold on all official religions, the media, and the military. 
The Party presides over large, wealthy state-owned businesses, and it exercises control over the selection of senior executives of all government companies, many of which are in the top tier of the Fortune 500 list.
China's inner sanctum for the first time, showing how the Chinese Communist Party controls the government, courts, media, and military, and how it keeps all corruption accusations against its members in-house. 
The Party's decisions have a global impact, yet the CCP remains a deeply secretive body, hostile to the law, unaccountable to anyone or anything other than its own internal tribunals. China's is the world's only geopolitical rival of the United States, and is steadfastly poised to think the worst of the West.
Facts On China ...
- China each year performs 12-18 MILLION abortions (depending on source) to Control Their Population ... 
- CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Spies Extensively on U.S. Military and U.S. Citizens in China and U.S..  
- CCP does NOT permit Freedom of Religion in China. Religious Beliefs are NOT Tolerated ...
- CCP – Does NOT believe in God ... 
- The U.S. is China's #1 Customer ...  It is our money supporting the communist way of life ...
- We are borrowing money from a Communist Nation who does not approve or like the American way of life  ...  The Interest on our borrowed money is supporting the China's communist way of life ...
- By going business with China we are destroying our industrial and manufacturing base.
- CCP is a government based on deception lies,and concealing truth …
- CCP is known for it's Abuse of Public Power over it's citizens …
- CCP No Civil Rights or Human Rights …
- CCP's Motto – Obey Unconditionally 
- CCP insists on Unconditional Conformity
- CCP Top Down Government - The Politburo dictates the law ...
- CCP – Controls & Manipulates all aspects of Chinese Society
- CCP – Believes they will unify the World through Communism.
- China has over 800 million people living in poverty (Below China's Poverty Level Not Ours)
- China has the World’s Biggest Divide of Classes between rich and poor.
- CCP is an evil cult
- CCP maintains the tightest control in the world on their people
- CCP has the world's large network of Cyber Spies who spy on the Chinese People, U.S., U.S. Military, U.S. Citizens,and countries throughout the World.
- CCP wants to over throw all socialists in government and end all social programs (Most Republicans prefer the CCP approach to government and business. Romney and his backers have done business for over 20 yrs.  Another example Bachmann. Reference a debate where she specifically praises China's tough approach and elimination of social programs like social security.) …

How the GOP Sold Out America/USA  ...
Step One – President Nixon Open the Door to China's cheap labor …
Step Two – President Reagan Signed the First State-of the-Art Technology Transfer and Multi-Billion Dollar Trade Agreement with China claiming it was “Good for America” …  Reagan also borrowed one trillion from China and other foreign governments pumped it into the economy and said supply side works.
Every GOPer since Reagan has repeated the same supply side LIE!  
Step Three President GW Bush Borrowed Trillions from China Communist country. 
We can't compete with 10 cents an hour labor in China ... Nixon, Reagan, and Bush all knew that China would destroy the USA ...
Better Dead Than Republican Red ...

GW Bush Borrowed Trillions (by selling Commies US Treasury Notes) and Passed China Off As A Friend ...

President Reagan Signed the First Trade Agreement With China & Borrowed First Trillion which he Paid Back before he left office

Bush Sr Borrowed More & More Trade
President Nixon Opened the Door 1972 ... 
Shaking hands Chairman Mao Zedong the worst mass murder of all time  ...


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Michele Bachmann ...

Bachmann at Tea Party Rally ...  Shouting For Government Shutdown
Showing Off For Her Husband ...
Michele Bachmann's Goal is to Shut Down the U.S. Government ...
Michele Bachmann born in1956 in Waterloo Iowa is a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Minnesota's 6th congressional district, a post she has held since 2007. The district includes several of the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities, such as Woodbury, and Blaine as well as Stillwater and St. Cloud.
She is currently a Republican candidate for the 2012 nomination for U.S. President election. She previously served in the Minnesota State Senate and is the first Republican woman to represent Minnesota in Congress. 
Bachmann is a supporter of the Tea Party movement and a founder of the House Tea Party Caucus.  The Tea Caucus that almost brought on the collapse the U.S.  government in 2011.
Bachmann is a Christian and a Dominionist meaning she is an politically active conservative Christian who seeks influence or control over secular civil government through political action.  
In the United States, their goal is to have a nation governed by Christians, and/or a nation governed by a conservative Christian under biblical law.  Biblical Law would take precedence over the Law of the Land.  
She is a Christian Reconstructionist and wants to rebuild the U.S. based on the Biblical Principles …
Bachmann Praises China 
In the debate 11-12-2011 - Click Here to Get Her Remarks ...

What ... How can she make positive comments on China ... China each year performs 12-18 Million abortions (depending on source) to Control Their Population ...  Plus CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Spies Extensively on U.S. Military and US Citizens in China and U.S..  and Does NOT permit Freedom of Religion or Human Rights in China ... 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Congress – The Puppets of Lobbyists Power and Privilege!

Chairman Grover Norquist We Did NOT Vote for Him ...

Quintessential puppet master of all Republicans in Congress and Running for any office.  

Controls America’s Spending, Politics, and What Republican Candidates are Allowed to Say   …

Congressional Sheep Not Elected Officials 
Sabotaged by Norquist …
Grover Glenn Norquist was born October 19, 1956 and is president of a taxpayer advocacy group, Americans for Tax Reform. He was described by Associated Press reporter as "the driving force in pushing the Republican Party toward an ever-more rigid position of opposing any tax increase, of any kind, at any time."
Norquist is best known for founding Americans for Tax Reform in 1985.
Although the ATR had good intensions at the start this guy is now using his power to control Washington, the GOP and worst yet our country.  ATR tells Congress what to say, how say it, and how to vote.
He is the quintessential puppet master of all Republicans in Congress and Running for any office.  
If you put a Republican in office, your candidate will be told how to think, vote, and what to say by this guy … Norquist is running our country.  He is trying to create a clone of China where a few at the top control everything ... money, power, military, media, The People's Republic of the United States …  Straight out Russian communist Lenin’s playbook …
By Voting Republican You are Voting for More Like Norquist a Communist Style of Government Top Down Government Like China …
60 Minute Interview with Norquist In His Own Words - Congressmen Have to Do What Norquist Says or Else They Are Out or Worse - CLICK HERE ...
Norquist is a Powerful Lobbyist - "Dance Dance Every Dance - The Way I Tell You" ...

Definition of Lobbyists
Whether lobbyists work for a large organization, a private individual, or the general public, their goals and strategies are the same. Lobbyists are adept at the art of persuasion (control), which is the mainstay of their job. Lobbyists sway (more like play on weaknesses of) politicians to vote on legislation in a way that favors their interests NOT the interests of the US Taxpayer who voted for them. Lobbyists don’t even live in Congressional voting district of the people they represent Most live in Palm Beach FL or DC in multi-million homes.
Congress approval rating is 12-15% …  Why ??? Congress does NOT do what the were voted in to do by their constituents …
Congress does the WILL of Lobbyists …
Want More About Lobbyists ... Watch the movie "Casino Jack" made in 2011 on DVD about Jack Abramoff Who Have 100 Republican Congressman On The Take ..." ...  Funny ... But TRUE - Rated R strong language ... 

60 Minute Interview 11-7-2011 With Jack Abramoff,...
Christians can not support people like this ...  Communists ... Control and lies are what communist society is about ...
Like the Chinese Communists, control of media is very important to Republicans … Republicans try to create paranoia about the media in the US Taxpayers minds by claiming all media is picking on them, and any negative reporting regarding Republicans is inaccurate. 
Republican’s claim biased reporting in all major newspapers, radio, or TV, is inaccurate and accurate reporting is only available on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, or Herman Cain and a few others.  With the millions of people that work in a full spectrum of media nationwide, it is very hard to believe.  Republicans  are really going off the deep end with this ... 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Newt Gingrich ...

Powerful Polarizing Political Insider Lobbyist
"The primary purpose of a political leader is to build a  majority."  - Newt

"Newt" Gingrich was born Newton Leroy McPherson in June 17, 1943 is an American politician who served as the 58th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. He represented Georgia's 6th congressional district as a Republican member from 1979 to 1999.
In 1946, his mother married Army officer Robert Gingrich, who adopted Newt. Gingrich has three younger half-sisters, Candace Gingrich, Susan Gingrich, and Roberta Brown.
Gingrich was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, but raised in Hummelstown, a small nearby borough. A college professor, historian, and author, Gingrich twice ran unsuccessfully for the House before winning a seat in the election of November 1978. He was re-elected ten times, and his activism as a member of the House's Republican minority eventually enabled him to succeed Dick Cheney as House Minority Whip in 1989.
As a co-author of the 1994 Contract with America, Gingrich was in the forefront of the Republican Party's dramatic success in that year's Congressional elections and subsequently was elected Speaker of the House. 
In 1995, Time magazine named him "Man of the Year" for his role in leading the Republican Revolution in the House, ending 40 years of the Democratic Party being in the majority. During his tenure as Speaker, he represented the public face of the Republican opposition to President Bill Clinton. Under his Speakership, Congress passed and Clinton signed the 1996 reform of welfare, a capital gains tax cut and the first balanced budget since 1969.
Gingrich is the only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations.
During his term as Speaker, eighty-four ethics charges were filed against him, eighty-three of the charges were eventually dropped.
In 1999 House committee panel did not agree whether tax law had been violated and the charges were dropped.
Republicans lost five seats in the House in the 1998 midterm election the worst performance in 64 years for a party that didn't hold the presidency. Polls showed that Gingrich and the Republican Party's attempt to remove President Clinton from office was widely unpopular among Americans. Gingrich suffered much of the blame for the election loss. Facing another rebellion in the Republican caucus, he announced in 1999 that he would not only stand down as Speaker, but would leave the House as well. 
Gingrich has been married three times. He launched just can't commit ... In 1962, he married Jackie Battley, his former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old and she was 26. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther. In 1984, Battley told the Washington Post that the divorce was a "complete surprise" to her. According to Battley, in September 1980, Gingrich and their children visited her while she was in the hospital, recovering from surgery, and Gingrich wanted to discuss the terms of their divorce. Gingrich has disputed that account.
Political Stand - Reduce Spending and Cut the Size of Government …
"I am very sad that a number of Republicans do not understand that this country is sick of earmarks. Tax Payers are sick of politicians taking care of themselves. Tax Payers are sick of their money being spent in a way that is absolutely indefensible ... I think you're going to see a steady increase in the number of incumbents who have opponents because the American taxpayers are increasingly fed up.”
Gingrich Religion ...
A Southern Baptist since graduate school, Gingrich converted to Catholicism, his current wife's faith, on March 29, 2009. He said "over the course of several years, I gradually became Catholic and then decided one day to accept the faith I had already come to embrace." The moment when he decided to officially become a Catholic was when he saw Pope Benedict XVI on his visit to the United States in 2008 ...
The BIGGEST Negatives with Newt ...
The Biggest Negative with Gingrich is his LACK of compassion for the needs of Americans. Other than using the American Voter as a tool to get rid of big government he expresses NO PERSONAL COMPASSION for American’s social  needs or problems.  He recognizes the lack of jobs in American, but has NO REAL SOLUTION for creating jobs other than cutting the size of government and reducing taxes.
This works only if the US has a strong manufacturing and business which we did in the 1990s but NOT today.  Our industrial base which has been destroyed by the influx of low cost Communist Chinese  products … Thanks to Republican support of doing business with China.
The Other Big Negative with Gingrich is he firmly believes neighbors, charities, and local churches should and will take care of the welfare needs of Americans.  As far as health insurance he believes American's should establish a health insurance savings account which works only if you are working ...
Other Baggage …
- Draft Dodger -  Though he relentlessly pushes military spending and talks like a bigtime hawk, Gingrich avoided the Vietnam War through a combination of student and family deferments.
- GOPAC, Newt's longtime political action committee, was the centerpiece of a complex network of non-profit, and mostly tax exempt organizations that Newt has used to support himself and other conservative candidates. In an act of of what seems like hypocrisy, Gingrich a crusader against taxes obtained taxpayer subsidies for his personal and political goals … And misuse of tax-exempt groups status.
- Pot Smoking - Pot Smoker during his college days and early political life ...
- Congressional Lobbyists & Congressional Insider Trading - Whatever happen to Dennis Hastert ex-Republican Speaker of the House during Clinton years after Newt.  He is now a Washington DC lobbyist .  Newt has yet to comment ... 
- The Minute Man A Minute Man in 1776 was referred to as a sentry for freedom in our fight against the British to win our independence.
. "If voters care about parking lots, then talk about parking lots." - Newt .... I sure do ...  This guy is running for President of the United States ...
In 1999 Newt Gingrich gave new meaning or should I say “Newt Meaning” to the term “Minute Man” when he was caught with woman in the Congressional Parking. As an aid to Newt approached the then House speaker's car, the aid needing a signature from Newt, (you know doing our country’s business) the aid spotted "a woman with her head buried in Newt's lap.”  Newt has yet to apologize or explain this incident …  At least Clinton acknowledged his indiscretion …
- Gingrich on China
• Newt does believe that China suppresses dissents and abuses human rights.
• Gingrich said the U.S. should do everything possible to increase friendly relations with the Chinese people. We should be respectful of the government of China but encourage the people to demand their God given rights.
• Newt believes that we can improve conditions in China by increasing trading with China there by exposing China to the Western world of freedom. 
What Newt fails to mention or acknowledge in his comments on China ... 
- China each year performs 12-18 MILLION abortions (depending on source) to Control Their Population ... 
- CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Spies Extensively on U.S. Military and U.S. Citizens in China and U.S..  
- CCP does NOT permit Freedom of Religion in China ...
- The U.S. is China's #1 Customer ...  It is our money supporting the communist way of life ...
- We are borrowing money from a Communist Nation who does not approve or like the American way of life  ...  It is the Interest we pay on the money we borrow from China that supports the communist way of life ...
- By going business with China we are destroying our industrial and manufacturing base.  Silence usually means approval ...

Newt should be talking about rebuilding our industrial base not spending more billions of U.S. dollars on Iraq's and Afghan's, when millions of people in the U.S. are still losing their jobs, and 100's U.S. industries are stilling failing daily. Newt won't acknowledge U.S. Citizens can't pay their mortgage or put food on the dinner table.  Newt thinks having a positive attitude and being entrepreneurial will solve our problems ...  What ?

Made in U.S.A. NOT Made in China …